Monday, October 17, 2005

High School Reunion

OK... so I'm 28... that can only mean one thing... a 10 year high school reunion. And it wasn't just a night of catching up. In my hometown, it's a whole friggin' weekend of activities!! It all started with a happy hour at a local sports bar and grill. Ben and I walked in, and I recognized no one. I seriously wondered if I had not gotten an updated invite or something. Finally I asked the waitress if she knew about a reunion meeting at this bar. She pointed to a group of about four women and a guy. I thought, "Great, we graduated with 386 people, and six showed. I'm a flippin' loser!" Turns out I'm not a loser, just someone who likes to be fashionably late. Everyone else was just chicken and waited forever to show so that they would know someone! I gots me some balls now! Very few people recognized me on sight (OK, two people... that's it.), but once I told them who I was, there was a whole lot of "OH MY GOD" looks. It was great. A couple of drunk guys even said "Holy shit! You look nothing like I remember!" That felt pretty darn great! If only I had a high school picture to post with a current one. I don't think that I look all that different. I think that the big difference is in how I present myself now. I know how to dress for my figure, and I'm confident as all get out. I like myself, and I like how I look. Back in high school I was so not confident. I guess it makes a difference.

Anyway, so then it's Saturday night. Most everyone else has been to the parade, tour of the school and football game. I spent the day working. That night we have dinner and a dance at the local Knights of Columbus hall. Ben and I decide not to show right away since the Cardinals were finishing up a big game. But once we did show, we walk in and there's my ex. Yup, the guy I haven't seen nor talked to in five and a half years. At that point, I figured the night could go one of two ways.... he would be a bastard (not a small possibility) and we'd leave early and call friends to come hang, or he'd be a half-decent guy and we'd hang with a bunch of people I barely know anymore and people that my husband didn't know at all. Luckily, the latter happened, and the night was pretty great. I saw old friends and acquaintances that I hadn't seen in a while, and I really go to show those who thought I was a loser back in high school that I looked better than them for once. It was great.

So, I'll so be going to my 2oth reunion. I'll do my best to make sure that I look great there too. I have a feeling a few of the gals will get some work done and look fake... that would be great...


Anonymous said...

This post is hilarious! Between hanging out with Fat Bob and the impending fakeness of future reunions.... you're on a roll!

You left out the part where Bob showed up with his second baby's mama.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this entry.

So did Craig.

Bob Williams said...

I want to make it abundently clear, that the Fat Bob is not me. Of course that is a given with the friends and family, they know better. But hey, being single I can't have the possibility of a bad rep., from the unclear world of blogs.

I'm the nice, kind, cool Fat Bob.

Jennie said...

Just so everyone knows.... Fat Bob is not the same person as my FRIEND Bob. Friend Bob is a MUCH MUCH MUCH better human being. For example, he doesn't have two Baby's mama's running around this world... he doesn't have one baby's mama. He's a good man. He knows how to treat a lady.

Anonymous said...

You should have called me! I'd have driven across a state to run him down in the parking lot.