Saturday, July 01, 2006

Space News

Camp last week was great, but then again, I had middle schoolers.

Today is the Discovery shuttle launch, and I have to watch it because I'll be interviewed live on Today in St. Louis (channel 5) on Wednesday July 5th. I'll probably be on between 6:30 and 6:45 a.m. They are supposed to interview me as a local shuttle and re-entry "expert." So I'm brushing up like mad to make sure I can answer those questions. There are probably people more knowledgeable, but I bet they aren't as cute or able to get the point across as well as I can since I'm a teacher. For those of you who are not from St. Louis, I bet they'll put my interview online at Feel free to check the site later that day for video feed of me! :)

Only a few minutes until Launch. God, I'm excited.

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