Sunday, November 11, 2007

Aidan and stuff

Today I got to take care of my pseudo-nephew, Aidan. He's three months old and cute as can be! Five hours of practice at being a mommy! Whoopee!

Last night was our annual trivia night fund raiser at work, and it went well. I inadvertently cursed (I tried to say "bid sheet," but "bid shit" came out instead, oops). The really funny thing is that there was a giant sign that said "Profanity Free Cafeteria!" Not anymore! LOL

I guess I need to go shopping... David's birthday and Christmas are coming up and we have to send the package this week in order to get it to him by his birthday in a couple of weeks. I can't believe that he's only a few days from officially being in Iraq. He's been in Kuwait for over a week now. 15 months and counting down until he's home.

1 comment:

Shennie said...

I hope your trivia night went really well. Was thinking about you and oh so thankful we don't have to do that at the McAuliffe Center. Speaking of which, we may be moving to new digs! the campus - about 15 miles up the road to a terrific new campus. Was once owned by a large phone company. If we go, we'll share the campus with junior and senior dorm students, a small gym, a small pool, a great cafeteria, continuing education department and lots of rooms and conference areas. We may even get 2 simulators but will have to do without a planetarium - at least at first.